Sign online the European Petition
The European Petition
On February 7th, 2022, the Petitions Commission of the European Parliament opened a petition proposed by Secrets Toxiques and 15 European NGOs from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Belgium.
This petition demands experimental long term toxicity studies of pesticides in their complete formulation before they are authorized on the European market, as demanded by the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union of October 1st, 2019. This demands follow the discovery of undeclared toxic compounds in authorized pesticides (Seralini and Jungers, 2020 ; Defarge et al. 2018). The petition also demands an audit of currently authorized pesticides, and a revision of the secrecy regime currently applied to pesticides’ recipes.
You can make a difference by showing to the European Parlement that EU citizens demand an evolution of the assessment procedure of pesticides’ toxicity.
Warning: this petition is not a European Citizens’ Initiative. The point is not to collect one million signatures, but to be as plenty as possible to show to the European Parliament that citizens care for this topic
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